Joining ongoing projects

Projects in full swing can be joined by any of our guests. Permaculture gardening is one of the main activities, but there are always building projects in progress. Maybe you like to help us planning and share your ideas with us.

B R I N G   E N O U G H   T I M E
We always love to have likeminded people arround us. Especially for longer stays – so let us know if you are interested to join us for longer and let us work out a way how to make this happen. Do not hesitate to make us your personal offer.
We rather have only a few guests a year (long term) then over a hundred different visitors that stay only short term so that later we can’t even remember their faces. Usually longstayers value the amount of privacy we offer, the personal care and extraordanary service we like to give to each of them. I guess that is normal for a very small and private hotel.
However we take only one guest or one couple at a time and give our full attention. We also love to show you authentic Sri Lanka far away from the beaten tracks. Our village is the place to meet simple people.

Helping Hands
We are still in the creating and building-up process and having a lot of projects going on at all times. We always need help and therefore you should contact us if you like to join us and help with your skills.

You like to design and build your own furniture and spend days to really go into details and put a lot of love into each piece? Working with extraordinary wood that takes some time again to search and cut into shape. You are skilled to work without electricity only using handtools if nessesary and do not care about a change of plans or permanent improvisation of all kinds. You are always calm and ready for plan b. Then I will be your aprentaince and i can’t wait to have you teach me some of your skills, while building up our place.

English Teacher
I only started to learn english in Sri Lanka and since my wife is Sri Lankan we talk only in english. But now after some years it would be good for both of us to improve our skills especially the pronouncation and grammer. Of course It would be a great improvement and help us massivly to better express our feelings and of course for a better understanding with our international guests. So if you got teaching skills and like to be our english teacher for a while, we love to welcome you to our place.
Since I am working on this website I could use help to check my articles. And maybe you got some tipps how to improve the english videos too.

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